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Project Brief

Background + Objectives

The packaging will contain a lot of white space with the swatch possessing the only color. The overall goal is to push the consumer into using color in an expressively artistic mindset using a variety of Burpee products.

My Role + Stakeholders

I was the sole designer.

Skills Applied
Brand Design
Logo Design
Visual Design
Technology Used
Business Context

This project was designed for a digital media course taught at BYU–I (2010).

Each individual seed packet will be like a color swatch on a painter’s palette: the garden is the canvas, and the gardener is the painter. Each plant will be associated with a specific color. These color swatches will be squares in the lower right corner of each package with both their color and scientific names. The plant will be hand painted by a professional artist, with an emphasis on the brush strokes and paint medium.

Each individual packaged plant will be like a color swatch in a painter’s palette — like the garden is the canvas and the gardener is the painter. Each plant will be associated with a specific color. These color swatches will be squares in the lower right corner of each package with both their color and scientific names. The plant will be hand painted by a professional artist, with an emphasis on the brush strokes and paint medium (by letting it drip and bleed into the substrate). The packaging will contain a lot white space with the only color being the swatch with which the plant is associated. The overall goal is to allow the consumer to push their expressive qualities and build a garden of color by using a variety of the Burpee products as a group of allocated personalities.

Final Design

The final project deliverables included 5 packaging designs, and mailer-card advertisement design, logo-redesign, and style guide booklet.

package design
Packaging design lineup

Before & After

package design
New and original packaging comparison


This mailer piece presents the collection of flowers available for purchase. The vibrant color of the real flower will show how much personality and organic form can be introduced to the consumer’s garden. The copy is serious yet respects the consumers’ expressive voice as a gardener and/or artist.

This advertisement was placed on the front of a mailer card. I directed the photoshoot while taking pictures, and then edited the final image to be used on the ad.


The back side gives contact information for the consumer to reply to as well as a simple display of the top 5 products. The website is the number one resource for consumers, it contains detailed information about the company, its products, and provides the online catalog.

postcard advertisement
Postcard advertisement

Original Paintings

A flower with distinct color was selected. Color schemes remained monochromatic to emphasize the new branding concept of color palate. Each flowers was hand-painted and brought into Photoshop for digitally enhancement.

paintings of flowers

Style Guide & Logo

The redesigned logo simplified the product from a flower into a seed and focused on typography.

New and original logo comparison
typography and color samples
Typography and color style guide


The new brand was centralized by the idea that gardening with flowers is a form of artistry. Presenting a range of options encourages the consumer to increase purchases in order to experiment with personal dynamic selection of products.

Modal Image
Hey, I'm Jacob!
I'm a designer in the San Francisco Bay Area. You should see more product design and graphic/web design case studies, and add me on LinkedIn!