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Project Brief

Background + Objectives

The School of Design in the College of Liberal and Creative Arts at SFSU was in need of clean and effective signage. The front door of the office and surrounding hallways were cluttered with clashing flyers and notices. Our job was to make all the information comprehensive, efficient, and standardized. This also required a new standard of branding for the department.

My Role + Stakeholders

I worked collaboratively on a team with 3 additional designers and an art director.

Skills Applied
Visual Design
Brand Design
Technology Used
Business Context

Final Designs

An original set of signage documents were created: the office hours & contact information, staff & faculty directory, and other information for students.

office doors after project ended
The office door signage updated with new designs
signage designs
signage designs
signage designs

Design Process

office doors before project started
The office door signage was cluttered and messy


Different methods of branding paper systems were explored through sketching and digital mockups. Different branding concepts were tested with typesetting.

conceptual sketches
Conceptual exploration sketches


An original set of iconography came together to denote various subjects within the paper systems.


By creating a unified signage system we were able to reduce visual clutter. Information was clearly labeled using large headings along the sides of documents. All unnecessary papers were removed to reduce confusion and conflicting information.

Modal Image
Hey, I'm Jacob!
I'm a designer in the San Francisco Bay Area. You should see more product design and graphic/web design case studies, and add me on LinkedIn!