Project Brief
I created a logo for Kody, who needed a recognizable brand mark for his online presence.
Challenge: Make a creepy, fun, and memorable logo to be used across videos and online forums.
As a freelance designer I worked directly with my client.
Kody is a big fan of comic books and horror movies. He created a YouTube blog, and would share his passion for it under the project The Mutant Menace, which references themes from his ultimate comic book love of the X-Men. Topics emphasized counter-culture and social issues portrayed in comic books.
Final Design
The logo is based on Creepster, an inherently slimy looking typeface. The addition of drips made it extra slimy. The personality a bit spooky, a bit sexy, and definitely nerdy! The logo was adapted into a sticker version which was popular with friends and fans.

Creative Process
I sketched out ideas for the original blog name Mutant Agenda, which later evolved into The Mutant Menace. There were heavy X-Men influences in the beginning, but the project later expanded to include monsters, ghouls, and spooky genres. There were a few concepts we tried but ultimately need the logo to feel drippy and slimy.